Creating Specialty Market for our Coffee: As our coffee is traceable to the farm, entering Specialty Coffee Market and promoting our product is something we take pride in as it is changing the narrative of what people generally know about Lekempti coffee, this has a ripple effect not just for our company but, to the farmers in the area.

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Our instructors are highly qualified and experienced professionals with a vast amount of knowledge of coffee and horticulture overall. They are passionate about their work and are dedicated to providing the best instruction and guidance to our trainees.  

Professor Ali Mohammed

Professor Ali Mohammed

Post-harvest researcher, consultant, and specialist in plant sciences.

Professor Ali Mohammed is a consultant based in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia with more than 31 years of expertise in research and training in coffee cultivation, post-harvest management, coffee processing, and value addition.

Having earned his Ph.D. in Horticulture from Mahtama Phule Agricultural University, India, He committed his time to expand his understanding of the cultivation of coffee and other commodities. Professor Ali Mohammed has written over 100 publications that have aided farmers and agriculturalists in better understanding the various components of horticultural production.

Dr. Ali is a true pioneer in the field of coffee cultivation, and we are fortunate to have him as a mentor for our trainees. Through his guidance, our trainees will gain a more comprehensive understanding of the principles behind coffee cultivation and will become more informed when making decisions in the coffee industry.

Dr Kifle Belachew Bekele

Dr Kifle Belachew Bekele

Senior Coffee Researcher and Consultant Secretary of Ethiopian coffee science society

Dr. Kifle Belachew Bekele is an expert in the field of horticulture, having earned his Ph.D. in the subject of Horticulture from Jimma University. He has been researching at South Agricultural Research Institute, SARI, where he served for seven years as a junior researcher and Research Center Director at Bonga Agricultural Research Center. He is an advocate for sustainable farming practices and plant protection.

He also wrote several manuals for crop production. More than 30 national and international conferences, symposiums, and workshops have featured him as a presenter. He participates actively in the Inter African Coffee Research Network (ACRN), the Asian Coffee Association, and the International Coffee Association (ASIC). Dr. Kifle is passionate about horticulture and continues to be an inspiration and a leader in the field.

Ato Berhanu Gezahegn

Ato Berhanu Gezahegn

Expert in coffee quality

Ato Berhanu Gezahegn is an expert in coffee quality with an M.SC in Rural Development from Haramaya University and M.SC in Quality and Productivity Management. He has worked for the Ethiopian Ministry of Agriculture, where among other things, was in charge of developing policies for agricultural development, promoting quality improvement, and designing and implementing communication strategies for the nation’s agricultural extension system.

He has attended a 15-month training program on quality management systems offered by the International Trade Center to enhance the quality and productivity of coffee, spices, and clothing items. Additionally, he has completed a thorough training program offered by the Illy Café in Italy. This program includes classes in coffee cupping, raw analysis, roasting, and espresso-making, all of which are meant to give you a thorough understanding of the various steps involved in preparing a great cup of coffee.

He has a thorough understanding of coffee and the elements that make up its flavor, from sourcing and roasting to brewing. Has participated in various publications and workshops both locally and globally contributing his due share to the Ethiopian coffee industry. He is a valuable member of our team and is passionate about the subject. We are thrilled that he will work with our trainees to help them improve their cupping techniques and guarantee the quality of the coffee produced.


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